how to tie a bowtie, courtesy of marriage equality

This is cute, and funny. My hubby uses it whenever he needs to tie a bow-tie. He’s been tying a bow-tie quite frequently lately, as he’s playing a character called “The Scorekeeper” in a local theatre production. (The Scorekeeper never leaves the house without his dapper bow-tie and cardigan.)

If you live in Seattle, my hubby will perform tonight at 11pm at Theatre Schmeatre (2125 3rd Ave. in Belltown).

mr. whiskers put on his bow-tie just for you


Speaking of being delinquent on letter-writing, I’m feeling all the more guilty now that I got this cutesy from my sis in Australia. (Aren’t airmail envelopesĀ charmant?)


She’s been teaching herself to draw, and does some pretty funny stuff. Didn’t she do a nice job?

the quarter-inch press: bow-tie for the boy

I made a bowtie for our little gray boy! It’s just a mock-up; I had a scrap of gray dupioni silk lying on the floor and got to wondering, as I have on many previous occasions, “Hm…what would that boy look like in a gray little kitty-cat bow-tie?” Oh sure, we’ve talked about it many times before, but never actually did anything about it. So I folded the fabric so all the raw edges were enclosed, then pinched the whole thing in the middle with another skinny scrap and tied it in the back.

It wasn’t too difficult to get it on him. Two tricks: one, always approach a cat from behind, never face-on. Two, my bonus mom taught me to always make a really big deal about the animal and how handsome they look in their new fashion item. That way, they feel proud of themselves and let you do it again in the future.

Very sloppy, down and dirty, and also too big for him, but now I am truly inspired to make a real one.

For Christmas! Just for Christmas! I’m not some crazy cat lady!